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Motivational Speaking

"All speech should be Motivational and Persuasive"

-The Motivational Expert


Public Speaking is an art. When used correctly, public speaking can inspire entire groups and cultures to reach new heights and higher values than before. These speeches should be informative, win over the crowd, and motivate individuals to action. I often feel my best when I know I'm passing on good, actionable information to a group of people.  

The Motivational Expert uses motivational speaking to spread goodness. These motivational speeches are given with an unique blend of Likability, Relatability, and Credibility. While The Motivational Expert can speak on a wide range of topics he specializes in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Leadership, Personal Happiness and Boundaries.


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The Motivational Expert

John Shakin, The Motivational Expert loves to help others be motivated for growth. He engages audiences at all different levels with his realism, honesty, empathy, and humor. His premiere speeches focus on helping leaders learn empathy, conflict resolution, and boundary setting.       

"Why Leadership?" Given at ECSU

Keynote Speech given to group of aspiring leaders at Elizabeth City State University. (FULL Speech)

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